The recommended installation is through spack, alternatively, sys-sage can be built from the sources.
spack installation
Using spack (see spack documentation)
There are the following options (also see spack info sys-sage
- intel_cat default=False – Build with Intel CAT(Cache Allocation Technology) to obtain cache partitioning information (Intel only, skylake and later).
- build_data_sources default=False – Build data sources (programs to collect data about the machine sys-sage runs on). Uses Linux-specific libraries, so Linux-only.
From the sources
sys-sage uses CMake as a build system.
Installation with CMAKE:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
# build options:
# -DCAT_AWARE=ON - builds with Intel CAT functionality. For that, Intel-specific pqos header/library are necessary.
# -DBUILD_DATA_SOURCES=ON - builds data sources from folder 'data-sources'. If turned on, includes Linux-specific libraries and hwloc. Data sources are used to collecting HW-related information, so it only makes sense to compile that on the system where the topology information is queried.
# -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../inst-dir - to install locally into the git repo folder
make all install